Tips For Organising Your Home Office to Boost Productivity


Since the first lockdown in March,  remote work has become the new normal. Businesses have quickly transitioned into this work set-up to continue their operations, even as employees stay at home.

For many employees, working from home has proven to have many benefits, with 65% of workers saying that they would be more productive in a home office. Similarly, showed a research conducted in September, 75% of them believe that they will be more productive as there are fewer distractions in this new set-up.

However, on the other side of the spectrum, work-from-home also comes with a few drawbacks. For instance, many employees suffer from loneliness and chronic loneliness due to the lack of human interaction. The pandemic situation does little to remedy this situation, especially when people are isolated and left working in front of their screens throughout the day.

While work-from-home may have exploded due to the pandemic, it’s clear that home offices are here to stay. The same survey mentioned above showed that 26% of Brits plan to continue working from home even after returning to work due to increased savings and better work-life balance. Without a doubt, this new arrangement requires people to adjust and get used to a different working style.

If you still didn’t find time to organise your home office, you really should. It’s the one thing you can do to boost your productivity.

Choose the Right Location

One of the first considerations you must make when setting up your home office is its location. This factor is crucial as your working area can have a significant impact on your overall mood and productivity while working. As much as possible, think about your work needs, but balance this out by also thinking of what makes you feel comfortable.

Women sat at desk in home office with plants and window

Generally, it is highly advisable to choose a place where you can have access to natural light, as this can help boost your mood. Having some plants or some form of nature can also be relaxing or calming. That said, do not forget to consider the location of your router. If you choose your attic or a shed, the connection might be a bit slower,

Declutter Your Desk

Having a messy work desk can be one of the top reasons for low productivity, so decluttering is a good starting point. Go through all the items stacked on your desk, as well as inside the drawers, and take inventory of them. While doing so, think about what things are important and what items are not. Leaving the latter to take up space can quickly cause your desk to become messy, so leave them on one side for the time being.

Once you are done going through your desk, you can then decide what to toss out and what to store. For the latter, you can call a pick up storage company like Access Box Storage to help you out.

Create an Organisation System

While working from home, you will likely be dealing with papers, documents, supplies, and other essential items. As a result, it can be easy to get all these things scattered and messy. To remedy this problem, the first thing you can do is create an organisation system to have space to keep all your belongings close at hand.

File racks will be useful to store your documents, while drawers can be used for office supplies and other small items. Use trays or inserts to compartmentalise your drawers to separate supplies from each other or segment them into categories. Do not forget to leave some space for tech-related supplies like USB or hard drives, chargers, earphones, and the like.

Organising your home office may be challenging at first, but you will see how much you can save from working at home once you have it set up. That said, before you can get started with any form of organisation, you must first do some cleaning and decluttering. After all, you want your working space to be as clean and neat as possible to boost productivity.

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